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Educational Programs

   As a way of supporting and assisting with the development of students with intensive needs, SpecialEdTherapy and its family of therapists have partnered with school districts and county programs to offer comprehensive educational programs for students with autism, emotional/behavioral disabilities, and other disabilities which require therapeutic services. We value "partnership" and work hard to curate services based needs of the district's and the student's.  Our hope is to improve the lives of the children that we work with, deliver on results that both districts and families are expectant of, and provide the tools necessary to build a strong relationship/bond between the student population and the district staff. We want to see more students graduate and become active, fully functioning participants in the community AND district staff to feel equipped and supported in their efforts to help others reach full potential. 

SpecialEdTherapy operates:
·         As an educational solution on a district's campus (rather than that of a separate school) where special education students receive the individual attention they require and still feel part of the bigger community (having access to school activities with their peers in the general school program). 
·         Consultative services to assist districts in helping meet their special education obligation in the least restrictive environment.

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